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WBA supply agreements 

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The Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA) is the contractual vehicle nbn uses to supply products and services to its wholesale customers. The WBA sets out the obligations that govern phone and internet providers' access to our network, while also providing you with price certainty and nbn’s service commitments.

WBA modules

The WBA is the glue that binds the commitments that both nbn and the industry make to each other – and by extension the benefits that customers and businesses in Australia receive. The WBA is negotiated collectively with all signatories and any changes to the WBA are done in consultation with all parties and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

If you'd like to be an nbn Retail Service Provider, it's important that your company reviews the WBA fully and accepts the rules of engagement outlined within.

Build Agreements

Depending on the product you wish to sell, you may be subject to specific agreements. View build agreements

business nbn® Enterprise Ethernet business nbn® Satellite Service
Enterprise Ethernet Build Agreement BSS Interim Launch Agreement
The Enterprise Ethernet Build Contract (EEBC) is an umbrella agreement between nbn and an RSP that allows nbn to plan, design and build nbn fibre infrastructure required for the Enterprise Ethernet product. The RSP can order this through the Enterprise Ethernet Portal in return for a Fibre Build Contribution (if applicable) that the RSP pays. The BSS Interim Launch Agreement (ILA) is the contractual vehicle that nbn uses to supply the BSS product to its wholesale customers. View the ILA.

Which modules and agreements are relevant to me?

  nbn Ethernet Enterprise Ethernet BSS
Facilities Access Service
WBA module (applicable to all)

Head Terms
WBA Operations Manual
WBA Credit Policy
WBA nbn Platform Interfacing Service Module

  nbn Ethernet Enterprise Ethernet BSS
Facilities Access Service
Product specific nbn Ethernet Product Module Enterprise Ethernet Product Module
Enterprise Ethernet Operations Manual
Service Terms (Enterprise Ethernet – Portal & B2B access)
  Facilities Access Service Module
Build agreements   Enterprise Ethernet Build Contract BSS Interim Launch Agreement  
Optional agreements Sandpit Service Module Sandpit Service Module Sandpit Service Module Sandpit Service Module
Other agreements Wholesale Support Program
Focus on Fast Rebate Letter Agreement
Take 2 Rebate Letter Agreement
nbn® ODF Termination Point Additional Optical Fibre Tray Offer Letter Agreement
New Master Campaign Terms and related DCR and Waivers Letter Agreement
On-Demand Fibre Connection Program Letter Agreement
nbn Flood Relief Funding Letter Agreement
Service Termination Charge waiver - Flood condemned premises


Your business plan

nbn is a Government Business Enterprise and is beholden to non-discrimination obligations. nbn must act in a non-discriminatory manner in relation to a wide range of activities, including any modifications to the WBA. These transparency obligations ensure we deliver a level playing field for industry. Any changes to the WBA are made for all signatories and are negotiated with all signatories.

In order to view the technical onboarding page, please acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the modules and agreements outlined on this page.
Continue to technical onboarding

Explore other selling options

Reminder you can also sell nbn services via an nbn white-label provider or an nbn wholesale provider.